Blog - Category - Sick Kids - Page 1

Sick Child Wiping His Nose with Tissue | Kids Car Donations

10 Most Common Illnesses in Children

The 10 Most Common Illnesses in Children As a parent, your children’s health should be one of your top priorities. It’s important that you keep yourself up-to-date with the latest treatment information and guidelines to make sure that you’re giving your children high-quality care in case they develop common illnesses. Since your child needs to …

Boy in White Shirt Holding Blue Marker | Kids Car Donations

What is Pediatric Cancer?

What is Pediatric Cancer? Know the Causes, Forms, and Treatment of this Leading Child-Killing Disease in the U.S. Cancer can happen to just about anyone, including babies who haven’t even turned a year old yet. For parents, finding out that their kids have cancer would have to be the most terrifying news to hear. Each …

A Doctor Checking a Child | Kids Car Donations

Choosing The Right Pediatrician For Your Child

Choosing the Right Pediatrician for Your Child Whether you’re looking for a doctor for your newborn, or you’ve just relocated to another city and are now going through a list of pediatricians for your 4-year-old, it’s important to take a lot of things into account—from the doctor’s qualifications and experiences to how the pediatrician handles …

Physician Examining Her Patient | Kids Car Donations

How to Prepare Your Child for a Visit to the Hospital

How to Prepare Your Child for a Visit To the Hospital: A Practical Guide It’s only normal for you to be curious about how to prepare your child for a visit to the hospital—especially if this is the first time for you and your child to experience it. This can be very unnerving for parents …

Doctor Checking a Child | Kids Car Donations

How to Help Your Child Cope with Medical Procedures

Parenting Tips: How to Help Your Child Cope with Medical Procedures Does your kid need to go through diagnostic tests, which explains why you’re desperate to get a few pointers on how to help your child cope with medical procedures? Youngsters usually freak out at the sight of a pointed needle poised to draw their …

Physician Examining the Kid | Kids Car Donations

10 Best Children’s Hospitals in 2018

10 Best Children’s Hospitals in 2018 Every year, the U.S. News & World Report publishes its rankings of the country’s best pediatric hospitals. For 2018, the publication ranked Boston Children’s Hospital as the number one children’s hospital in the United States. Impressively, this was the fifth consecutive year that the hospital found itself at the …

Kid wearing a white hospital gown | Kids Car Donations

Most Common Cancers that Develop in Children

Top 5 Most Common Cancers that Develop in Children If you know of a child who’s been diagnosed with cancer, you may have wondered what the most common cancers that develop in children are. Cancer is a general term that’s given to diseases that are characterized by the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells. Over the …