
Why Donate Your Vehicle Series: Saves Time

Donating: The Fastest Way to Dispose of Your Unwanted Car

Have you ever found yourself staring at your old worn-out car and thought, “What am I supposed to do with this four-wheeled fossil?”

When it comes to saying goodbye to an outmoded vehicle, the typical options that come to mind are selling, trading, or junking. However, we’re here to throw a fourth option into the mix, and it’s something that will make the process of parting with an automobile much faster and easier: Donate it to charity.


4 Ways Car Donation Can Save Time

Here’s how you’ll be able to save more time when you hand over your vehicle to a charity:

  1. No need to advertise, arrange test drives, or negotiate.

Selling your car can be as bumpy as a ride on a gravel road. You have to advertise on multiple media outlets, which means taking photos of your car and coming up with enticing descriptions. You also have to deal with endless negotiations with would-be buyers who are always looking for a bargain as well as strangers wanting to test drive your car.

You can skip these headache-inducing steps when you simply donate the vehicle to charity. Just pick up the phone, call a trusted nonprofit, and the staff there will guide you on their donation process.

  1. Skip the repair shop.

Trading in your car could be a decent option, but dealerships often want cars in good condition. This might require you to sink more money into repairs, not to mention the time spent waiting for those repairs to be completed. A charity, on the other hand, will typically accept your vehicle as it is — no repairs needed, and no hassle!

  1. No paperwork.

Whether you’re selling, trading in, or junking your vehicle, expect to spend some time dealing with paperwork. There’s the title transfer, the sales contract (if you’re selling), the junking certificate (if you’re junking), and other necessary documents. Fortunately, donating your car to a charity involves the least amount of paperwork, as your chosen nonprofit will assign a team to handle most of the documentation for you.

  1. Instant pickup, no waiting around.

With selling or trading, there can be a lot of waiting around for the right buyer or the right deal. On the other hand, many charities offer quick and free pickup services, whisking your old car away without you having to lift a finger and spending a dime.


Help Save the Lives of Ailing Girls and Boys in Your Community!

Giving away your vehicle to charity won’t only save a lot of your precious time, but it will also make you proud. You’ll be surprised to learn how huge of an impact your car donation can make on the lives of the less fortunate.

For instance, if you choose Kids Car Donations as your charity partner, you get to help improve the health outcomes of ailing youngsters in your local community.

We’ll sell your donated vehicle through an auction and use the proceeds to support the essential child healthcare programs of our charity partners. Thanks to your donation, these IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations will be able to provide free treatments and therapies to needy young patients, saving the lives of those who are critically ill and alleviating the pain as well as improving the quality of life of those confined in hospitals.

In exchange for your generous gift, we’ll promptly mail you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle within days after its auction. This receipt will entitle you to claim the top tax deduction in the next tax season.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service, which is available to our donors in all 50 states. Plus, we have our team of specialists who will gladly take care of doing the paperwork for you.

Aside from these material rewards, you’ll likewise have the privilege to experience the joy and satisfaction of knowing that your donation will be used to help bring sick children back to good health.

We accept almost all types of vehicles regardless of their ages or conditions. From sedans and trucks to motorbikes and boats, feel free to give us whatever vehicle you wish to dispose of.

If you’re interested to learn more about our vehicle donation program, feel free to visit our FAQs page. Should you have any questions or concerns, call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message here.


Turn Your Car into a Lifesaver Today!

After all those years of serving you, your timeworn car is finally ready to be given a new purpose. When you donate it to Kids Car Donations, we will turn it into a tool for saving children’s lives. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: December 5th, 2023