
How to Prevent Child Deaths in Hot Cars

7 Ways to Avoid Child Heat Stroke Inside a Vehicle

Since 1998, more than 900 children in the United States have died of heat stroke after being left inside a hot car, according to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report. Many of these tragic cases involved parents or caregivers who absentmindedly or deliberately left their kids inside the car after getting out to do an errand under the scorching heat of the sun.

Bear in mind that a child’s body temperature rises three to five times faster than that of an adult. A child could die when their body temperature reaches 107 degrees. With cars heating up as quickly as 20 degrees F in just 10 minutes, it’s no wonder why heat stroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths in children under 15.

So, if you happen to be a parent or a guardian to a young child, here’s what you should do to keep them safe from heat stroke inside a vehicle:

  1. Never leave the child unattended.

Even if you’ve left the windows partially open or kept the AC system on, don’t leave the child in your car when you’re going out to run an errand.

  1. Always check your car’s cabin thoroughly before walking away.

After parking your car, make it a point to look inside before closing and locking the door. If your child is among your passengers, look for them before leaving.

  1. Remind yourself to look in the backseat before leaving your car.

Put your bag, phone, or some other belongings in the backseat as a way to remind yourself to look in that area where your little one may be seated before leaving your vehicle.

  1. Give instructions to the caregiver if your child misses school.

Instruct your child’s caregiver to call you right away if your child fails to show up in daycare or school.

  1. Prevent a child from crawling into the trunk.

Keep rear fold-down seats closed to prevent a child from crawling into the trunk from inside the car.

  1. Forbid kids from playing games inside a car.

Sternly remind children that your car isn’t a play area. Tell them not to use the trunk for games like hide and seek.

  1. Keep your car locked when it is parked.

Do this to prevent a curious child from entering the vehicle when no one is around. Many hot car deaths have occurred when a child mistakenly enters the vehicle and locks the door, thus trapping themselves inside.


Do You Drive a Car That’s No Longer Roadworthy?

If you have a car that has become prone to breakdowns and is no longer safe for you to use and endangers even your kids when they’re with you, it’s time to consider giving up that vehicle.

You can give it a new and worthy purpose. How? By donating it to us at Kids Car Donations. Not only will you get to dispose of it for free, but you’ll also find yourself playing a role in restoring the health and even saving the lives of the indigent children in your area who desperately need medical assistance.

We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the pediatric healthcare programs and services of our nonprofit partners. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations cater to sick kids from low-income families, providing them with a wide range of free pediatric treatments, including emotional support and relief of pain and trauma. They also offer free social services and educational resources.

In exchange for your charitable contribution, we’ll promptly send you by mail the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle after it gets sold. The receipt will entitle you to claim the highest possible tax deduction in the next tax season.

Additionally, you will have your vehicle picked up at a time and place of your choice, and guess what? This will cost you nothing! We offer free towing in all parts of the United States!

As for paperwork, you can count on our team of experts to handle everything for you.

On top of these rewards, you’ll experience a sense of fulfillment, knowing that your gift will be used to help save the lives of critically and chronically ill boys and girls in your area.

We accept almost all types of vehicles whatever their ages or conditions. Head over to this page to learn what else you can contribute apart from standard cars.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or write to us here. For more information about our donation program, including our quick and convenient donation process, head over to our FAQs page.

Extend a Helping Hand to Hurting Kids Today | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Rasmus Svinding under Pexels License

Extend a Helping Hand to Hurting Kids Today!

Your vehicle donation will go a long way in helping children in your area overcome their health challenges. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: July 1st, 2023