
Cleaning Cloudy Headlights Is Easier Than You Think

3 Simple Hacks to Make Dull Headlights Shine as Bright as Ever

Having foggy headlights is the last thing you’d want when driving in rainy or snowy weather, especially at night. Besides making it harder for you to see your surroundings clearly, it can also put your life at risk.

However, just because your headlights have gotten dim and hazy doesn’t mean that you should buy yourself a new pair right away. You can still restore those lights without spending a huge chunk of money.

You don’t even have to take your car to the auto shop — you can do the cleaning and restoration yourself!

Kids Car Donations shares three of the best-kept secrets that have proven time and again to make dull headlights shine as bright as ever.

  • Hack #1: Salt and dish soap

Salt can be a great cleaning agent for headlights. That is if you mix it with dish soap. The salt serves as an abrasive agent while the dish soap dissolves the debris and grime on the surface of your headlights.

Not only is this process super easy to prepare, but it’s also super effective and cheap! The only downside is that the results aren’t usually permanent.

You’ll need about six cups of warm water, two tablespoons of dishwashing soap, and two tablespoons of salt. Start by mixing both substances until the salt dissolves, and then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Using the solution, gently scrub your headlights with a sponge dipped in the mixture.

Finally, rinse off the mixture and use a clean microfiber towel to dry your headlights. You’re done!

  • Hack #2: Bug spray

Bug spray is more than just an insect repellent — it can also give your car headlights a fantastic makeover! Applying bug spray to dull headlights can brighten them up. Ask anybody who has done it, and they’ll likely tell you to try it, too. Just make sure that your bug spray contains DEET, which is a common ingredient in insect repellents.

First, wash your headlights with automotive soap and water and leave them to dry completely. Next, shake the can of repellent and spray it directly on a microfiber towel (NOT on your headlight lenses).

Wipe the whole area of your headlights with the towel to clear every dirt that has caused your headlight beam to look dim. Rinse off the bug spray residues and your headlights are as good as new!

  • Hack #3: Toothpaste

A tube of toothpaste and cloth make a perfect pair when it comes to restoring cloudy headlights. The mild abrasive properties of toothpaste help scrub the damaged surface of your headlights, giving them a sparkly shine.

If you have a spare tube at home, take it with you to the garage for some quality cleaning time with your car. Before applying the toothpaste, clean the headlights with soap and water. Then, rub a fingertip amount of toothpaste onto the wet headlights using a soft cloth. Scrub as thoroughly as you can.

See to it that you keep the surface wet and that you add more toothpaste as necessary. Apply a sealant after removing the protective coating.


Not Sure What to Do with Your Barely Running Car?

If you happen to own an extra car that has issues beyond cloudy headlights, you might as well get rid of it. What’s the point of keeping it when you’re just leaving it to rot in your garage?

Your best option is to simply donate that vehicle to a charity that offers you a most rewarding giving experience. When you turn over that vehicle to us at Kids Car Donations, we’ll use it to bring health and wellness to the needy kids in your community. You’ll get to help them beat their illnesses and disabilities.

We’ll have your auto fixed and polished before putting it up for auction, with the proceeds going to reputable children’s nonprofit organizations that are working with us. These IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding we give them to sustain their delivery of free comprehensive and quality medical assistance to indigent children and teens stricken with serious afflictions. Our charity partners provide their young beneficiaries with free treatments and therapies, emotional well-being support, and other essential health services.

Your charitable contribution will also benefit you in more ways than one. We’ll promptly mail to you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your car after it’s been auctioned off, thus entitling you to claim the highest possible tax deduction in the next tax season.

We will also haul off your vehicle for free, and it’s up to you to pick your preferred time, date, and location for it. We can collect your donation anywhere in the United States.

Aside from the valuable material rewards in store for you, you’ll also savor that priceless feeling of satisfaction, knowing that your gift will be used to help improve and even save the lives of children in serious health conditions.

We welcome nearly all vehicle types whatever their ages, mileages, or conditions. We’re talking not only about cars, trucks, and motorcycles but also unique and specialized vehicles such as golf carts, ATVs, and even motorized wheelchairs.

If you’d like to know more about Kids Car Donations or the specifics of becoming our donor, visit our FAQs page. For your inquiries or concerns, feel free to give us a call anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or write to us here.


Join Us in Saving Young Lives Today!

Kid smiling | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Alexander Dummer under Pexels License

Let us convert your unwanted car into a critical source of life-saving medical assistance for the hurting boys and girls in your community. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: July 28th, 2023