
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: 5 Difficult Emotions Felt By Children with Cancer

Learn How a Cancer Diagnosis Affects a Child

A cancer diagnosis will significantly impact a child no matter what age they are. Although certain factors such as their age, personality, and level of development will influence their reactions, life changes dramatically for children with cancer. With doctor’s appointments, tests, and treatments becoming a part of their day-to-day routines, they’ll need their loved ones to understand how their diagnosis affects them so that they can get the support they need.

Childhood Cancer: A Closer Look at a Child’s Difficult Emotions

If you’re a parent of a child with cancer, you’re more aware than anyone else about how your child copes with unfamiliar and stressful situations. Since you’re their main source of support, how you react to their diagnosis will influence how they would feel.

In observance of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September, Kids Car Donations encourages the family members of boys and girls battling cancer to learn more about the emotions these children feel during this difficult time.

  1. Shock

Kids who felt healthy enough before the diagnosis may find it difficult to believe the news. They may even deny their illness and avoid discussions about it.

  1. Anger

Children may also feel anger after receiving a cancer diagnosis. Younger kids may throw tantrums when compelled to take bad-tasting medicine or when told to lie still in scanning machines. Older children may express their anger or resentment when they feel that their privacy is invaded or when they’re confined in the hospital.

  1. Fear

Children who are old enough to understand how serious cancer is may experience the fear of dying from the disease. Moreover, they may also feel anxious about the battery of tests they’ll have to go through and how they’ll cope with treatment. They may also worry about how their diagnosis will affect their parents and siblings. In some cases, their anxiety increases if they feel like they have to hide their feelings to prevent family members from worrying about them.

  1. Guilt

Children can experience guilt after being diagnosed with cancer. A child may think they developed the illness because of something they thought of, said, or did that wasn’t right. They may also feel responsible for upsetting their family’s normal routine or causing their loved ones pain.

  1. Sadness

Once the reality of their diagnosis sets in, children may feel sad when they realize that they wouldn’t be able to do what other kids their age normally do. As they see the drastic changes in their appearance, lose their appetite, and feel weaker, their sadness may turn into depression.


Reach Out to Seriously Ailing Children in Your Area

Children often display resilience in the face of a serious illness. However, they’ll still need all the help and support they can get, particularly those from low-income or impoverished families.

If you’re looking for opportunities to support the ailing children and teens in your community, consider donating any vehicle you no longer need to us at Kids Car Donations. We’ll use your donation to improve or restore the health of needy youngsters in your area who are suffering from serious illnesses or disabilities.

Our team will auction off your donated automobile and hand over the proceeds to reputable children’s nonprofit organizations that we are in partnership with. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding we give them to provide their young beneficiaries with free and easy access to a wide range of pediatric health services, emotional support, and other essential health care services.

In exchange for your donation, you’ll receive free professional towing service from any point in the country. Your gift will also entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

However, the best part about making a charitable contribution to us is the priceless joy of knowing that you’ll be helping save the lives of critically ill boys and girls in your area.

We’re willing to accept nearly all types of vehicles whatever their ages or conditions.

If you want to know more about Kids Car Donations, including our quick and easy vehicle donation process, head over to our FAQs page. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or write to us here.


Become a Children’s Hero Today!

Would you like to become a hero to the hurting children in your community? We’ll turn your car donation into a vital source of medical assistance for them. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: November 30th, 2023