
Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays: 4 Ways to Do It

Do You Have a Schoolkid Confined in a Hospital?

Caring for a sick child is a major challenge for their parents or guardians, especially if the child is suffering from a lingering illness that requires hospital confinement for a length of time.

If you have a child in this kind of situation, you need to give them a semblance of normalcy and assure them that everything will soon be alright, and they’ll be back in school to resume their studies.

Attending school is important for kids not only because it facilitates their learning but also allows them to socialize with their peers and enjoy their company. That’s why you need to find ways for your hospitalized child to somehow keep up with their schoolwork so that they don’t fall too far behind in their studies.

The task may look daunting, but it can be managed. Kids Car Donations shares the following tips on how to balance schoolwork and hospital stays:

  1. Talk to your child’s doctor.

Ask the doctor attending to your child how long their young patient will need to stay in the hospital and whether it will impact their educational needs. Prescription medication that may be given to your child after their hospital stay might also hamper their ability to stay focused in school. You may ask the doctor about this matter. This will give you a better idea of what steps to take when your child goes back to school.

  1. Discuss school options with your child’s teacher.

Talk to your child’s teacher or the school’s administrators about what possible options may be given to your child to help them accomplish their schoolwork during their hospital stay. They may offer your child an Individual Education Plan that provides for allowances in terms of accomplishing school requirements, tests, and other types of schoolwork. Make sure to set a calendar for important schoolwork deadlines.

  1. Seek help.

Some hospitals offer either homebound or hospital-based instruction programs specifically to aid students with their schoolwork while confined for treatment. This would allow your child to pursue their education like they were in a school setting.

  1. Send them back to school when they can.

Once your child’s hospital treatment is over and a discharge order is issued, ask the doctor if your child can go back to school right away. If the doctor approves of this, send your kid back to school so they can be with their classmates again to catch up on what they missed.


Reach Out to Needy Families with Kids Who Need Costly Treatments

Balancing schoolwork and hospital stays may be challenging, but it can be done with careful planning and good management.

What is infinitely more challenging is when parents learn that their child needs to undergo costly and extensive treatment and hospitalization, which they can ill afford given their limited financial capacity.

We at Kids Car Donations are here to help parents facing such a quandary. But we can’t do it by ourselves. We need kind-hearted vehicle donors like you to pursue our mission.

If you have a vehicle to spare, hand it over to us and we’ll use it to improve the health and well-being of indigent pediatric patients in your community, even saving the lives of those who are critically ill.

We’ll sell your donated vehicle through an auction and transfer the proceeds to reputable children’s nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding we give them to deliver a range of medical assistance to their young beneficiaries. Thanks to your contribution, the ailing kids in your community will be able to gain free access to treatment, emotional support, and other essential healthcare services.

In exchange for your car donation, we’ll promptly mail to you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle soon after its sale. The receipt will entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

We’ll also assign a licensed towing company to haul off your vehicle wherever it’s located in the country. Oh, and you won’t be spending a penny for it — the towing fee is on us!

More than these material benefits, your gift will allow you to experience the priceless feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you’d be helping youngsters regain their health and have a bright future.

Nearly all types of vehicles, whatever their ages or conditions, qualify for our donation program. Trust us, we’re never picky when it comes to vehicle donations.

For more information on our donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call us through our 24/7 toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or message us here.

Kid hiding on Pillows | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Pixabay under Pexels License

Support a Worthy Cause Today!

Don’t miss this chance to impact the lives of those needy children in your community who are struggling with serious health issues. Your car donation will mean so much to them and their families. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 19th, 2023