
A Child’s Guide To A Good Night’s Sleep At The Hospital

A Child’s Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep at the Hospital Children Need a Restful Sleep

Sleep is very important in children – particularly those who are sick and confined in hospitals. They need to get enough of it to maintain normal body development. Even when children are asleep, their brains continue working on vital processes such as growth and memory consolidation. Sleep also plays an important part in fighting off illnesses and maintaining the children’s health and well-being.

Parents want nothing more than to see their sick child sleeping and resting peacefully. However, no matter how much you want your kid to get a good night’s sleep at the hospital, it’s not always possible.

When children are hospitalized, sleep disturbances become a common occurrence, making it harder for young patients to get the right amount of rest that they need.


4 Tips to Help Your Child Get a Good Night’s Sleep During Hospitalization

A good night’s sleep is all about falling asleep easily, staying asleep, and waking up in the morning feeling energized and refreshed. To help children get the right amount of rest they need, Kids Car Donations has created a child’s guide to a good night’s sleep at the hospital. Here are some of our suggestions:

1. Provide relaxation during bedtime.

Hospitals can be stressful and your child may find it difficult to relax during the whole stay. However, by providing a relaxing activity such as reading a book or listening to soft and gentle music, it may help your child relax and fall asleep faster. Make sure to bring your child’s favorite toy to the hospital to give your little one some comfort.

2. Check the lighting.

Children will have a hard time sleeping in a well-lit room. But they also won’t be able to sleep at all if all the lights are turned off. A dimly lit room is the perfect environment for children to fall asleep because it stimulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Blue light from mobile phones and televisions can also interfere with the production of melatonin in children. This can delay sleepiness, and your child may end up waking up tired in the morning. Be sure to turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime.

3. Keep noise to a minimum.

Hospitals tend to be noisy places, especially during the day. However, during bedtime, the noise will eventually die down as the nurses and other staff make sure that visitors won’t be loitering around.

Inside your child’s room, make sure to turn down the TV’s volume. Better yet, turn it off when it’s time for bed. If noise can’t be avoided, make sure to keep it at a minimum so your child won’t be woken up from a peaceful sleep.

4. Keep afternoon naps short.

Although an afternoon nap is a time for children to get some sleep after a restless night, it’s important to keep it short. A long afternoon nap may lead to delayed sleepiness and difficulty staying asleep at night. As a result, your child may lose sleep and may not feel fully rested when they wake up in the morning.

Donate a Vehicle to Help Young Patients

You can save lives today by taking part in our vehicle donation program. When you donate to Kids Car Donations any type of vehicle – whether in good running condition or not – you’ll get to help sick children in your community receive essential medical assistance.

We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support our charity partners in delivering vital health services to ailing boys and girls in your community. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations work tirelessly to provide their young beneficiaries with comprehensive and quality medical treatment, emotional support, and other essential healthcare services.

Together, we can give these children the gifts of health and well-being that they and their families will long cherish. All you need to do is call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form. We’ll handle the rest of the donation process, including all the paperwork.

In return for your generosity, we’ll offer you a tax deduction benefit, which you can claim in the next filing season. Just present the receipt to the IRS and itemize your taxes to get your tax deduction. Moreover, we’ll remove your unwanted vehicle wherever it is located at zero cost to you.

For more information about our donation program, make your way to our FAQs page. If you have questions or want us to clarify something, feel free to call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message online.

gray sedan photo | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Hunter Newton under Unsplash License

Save Young Lives with Your Car Donation Now!

Do you have an old clunker you want to get rid of? Donate it to Kids Car Donations today and experience the joy of helping save the lives of children suffering from serious or critical illnesses. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 8th, 2023