
7 Things to Inspect Before Buying a Used Car

Steer Clear of Hidden Problems by Checking the Vehicle Thoroughly

Secondhand cars can be huge money-savers if you’re in the market for a vehicle. There are a lot of pre-owned vehicles out there that are still in top condition and can help you save thousands of dollars on your car purchase. Unfortunately, not all used vehicles are great deals and some of them can be a car owner’s worst nightmare.

To find a used car that’s trouble-free, you need to have good investigative skills and know what to look out for. Spotting potential problems before you buy the car can save you from a lot of stress and unwanted car expenses in the future. You wouldn’t want to end up buying a vehicle that you’d regret doing later.

Purchase your secondhand car with confidence and peace of mind. Kids Car Donations offers this checklist of what to check before you go ahead with a deal:

  1. Vehicle history

Ask the seller about the vehicle’s history, such as whether it’s been in any accidents, had any parts replaced, or if there’s been any sort of repair work done.

  1. Issues with the frame

Check if the vehicle is sitting level on the ground. Look for any indications of warping or if there are new bolts that have been recently installed.

  1. Rust

Keep an eye out for any signs of rust. If you found a few spots, make sure you do a check on the entire vehicle. Rust can be a serious headache to deal with if it’s already penetrated the panels or the frame.

  1. Issues under the hood

See if there are cracked or worn-down hoses or belts. Check for possible leaks or repair work done.

  1. Mileage

Typically, high mileage means an older vehicle. This also means that its components have more wear and tear on them.

  1. Upholstery

Cracked leather, deep stains, or torn fabric can be pricey to repair. If you’re still willing to take the vehicle, you can likely use this to haggle down the price.

  1. Check the electronics

Test that everything is working correctly such as the lights, radio, USB ports, and the AC. If you know how to check the circuitry, it’s a good idea to check there, too.


Looking to Dispose of Your Old Ride? Here’s a Win-Win Option for You

The older a vehicle gets, the harder it is to maintain. That’s why it’s not uncommon for car owners to part ways with their old ride after a few years and buy a new one.

If you’re a vehicle owner who’s looking to dispose of your used commuter car, Kids Car Donations presents you with a win-win option: Donate that vehicle to us for the benefit of ailing indigent children in your community and get richly rewarded for doing so.

We’ll place your auto donation up for auction, with the proceeds going straight to leading children’s nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding we give to deliver comprehensive and quality medical assistance to their young beneficiaries, providing them with a wide range of pediatric treatment, emotional support, relief of pain and trauma, and other health care services.

Donating your old vehicle to us will benefit not only the needy pediatric patients in your area but yourself as well. Your charitable contribution will entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. Furthermore, we’ll provide you with our free towing service anywhere in the country.

Above all, you’ll have the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction of doing something extraordinary that can help save young lives.

You can donate almost any vehicle type, regardless of its condition. You can donate even a vehicle that’s damaged or no longer running.

For more information about becoming a vehicle donor or our super convenient donation process, feel free to check out our FAQs page. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call at 866-634-8395 or leave us a message here.


Be a Hero to Hurting Kids Today!

sitting on a Doorway | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Pixabay under Pexels License

Bring smiles to the faces of ailing children in your community with your unwanted car. Partner with us at Kids Car Donations and let’s bring health and wellness back into their lives. Call our 24/7 toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 4th, 2023