
3 Important Things to Keep in Your Car During Winter

Be Prepared and Avoid Headaches

For some people, as long as they have a full tank of gas and their cars start up just fine, they think they’re good to go anywhere they please. They don’t bother checking the tires, fluids, and if the wiper blades are still in good condition.

Sometimes, you can get away with being underprepared and not having to check anything. However, in winter, this is a recipe for disaster. Freezing temperatures and ice simply don’t go well with machinery, especially one made with a lot of moving parts like a vehicle. Don’t be surprised if your car breaks down or if your battery conks out while driving along a snow-covered road. That’s a fairly common road scene during the winter season.

Whether you’re making your usual trip to the office or taking a long drive to somewhere else, always make sure you have these 3 items in your car at this time of the year:

1. Snow or ice scraper

You’ll be surprised at just how fast ice can form on your vehicle when temperatures drop. Nothing’s more frustrating than trying to scrape the ice off your windshield without the proper tools. An ice or snow scraper comes in handy to easily clear your windshield, side mirrors, and even lights of snow.

2. Jumper cables

These cables are must-haves regardless of the season, but their importance is amplified during winter. The lower the temperature, the more strain this brings on our car batteries. That’s why you often see motorists on the road complaining about their dead batteries during winter. A jumper cable can save the day for you if you discover that your battery has died.

3. Extra clothes and heavy blankets

These items can help save lives during winter emergencies. Store some extra clothes and heavy-duty blankets in your vehicle as a precaution. They won’t take a lot of space and you can stash them in your trunk. Be ready for the unexpected! If you ever get stuck in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm, you’ll be thankful you made the effort to prepare.


Come to the Rescue of Sick Kids This Winter

While making sure that you have all the important things you need inside your car during this winter season, spare a thought for the needy kids in your community who are languishing in their sick beds this winter. You can help dispel their winter blues by simply donating your old and unwanted vehicle to us at Kids Car Donations. We’ll use your donation to improve their health and even save their lives.

We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the vital health care programs and services being provided by the children’s nonprofit organizations that we have partnered with. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations provide their young beneficiaries with comprehensive and quality medical assistance, including free and easy access to vital health services, emotional support, and other essential health care services.

You’ll also greatly benefit from your vehicle donation. You’ll get to remove your unwanted vehicle from your property quickly and at zero cost to you through the free towing service that we’ll provide you. Your donation will also entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax-filing season.

On top of these material rewards, you’ll also get that priceless feeling of satisfaction, knowing that your gift will be used to restore the health of ailing children in your local area.

We accept almost all types of vehicles regardless of their condition. We also run our vehicle donation program in all 50 states, so we’ll be able to collect your vehicle no matter where you’re located.

If you want to know more about our program, feel free to visit our FAQs page. If you have any questions, call us at 866-634-8395 or leave us a message here.


Help Them Win their Health Battles Today!

Crop mother holding hand of child | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Marina Abrosimova under Pexels License

This winter, help kids win their battles against life-threatening diseases and crippling disabilities. All it takes is a simple car donation from you. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: September 28th, 2023