When to Replace Your Brake Pads
3 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Brake Pads Need Replacing
How fast your car’s brake pads will wear out depends on many factors, including the condition of your vehicle’s braking system and your braking habits as a driver. No matter how careful you drive, however, you can’t stop your brake pads from wearing out, especially if you’re driving your car daily.
You need good brake pads if you want your vehicle’s braking system to function well. Not replacing worn-out or damaged brake pads will increase your chances of getting into an accident or collision since your brakes won’t be able to stop your vehicle as quickly as you need to.
There are tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace your brake pads. Don’t compromise everyone’s safety (yourself included) by continuing to drive a car with worn-out pads. Take your car to the nearest auto shop to replace your brake pads once you notice any of these three common signs of damaged brake pads:
1. Your car is taking longer to stop.
Noticed a difference in your brakes recently? Is it taking a bit longer than usual for your auto to come to a complete stop? Worn-out or damaged pads can’t put enough pressure on the rotors, making it difficult for your brakes to stop the wheels from rotating.
2. You feel vibration when you step on the brakes.
Vibration when braking is a sign that you need to change your brake pads right away and possibly your rotors, too. When your pads are too thin, they start scraping metal off your rotors, causing shakes or pulses when braking.
3. Your brake light indicator is turned on.
Your brake light indicator turns on either because you have low brake fluid or your brake pads need to be replaced. The sensor for worn-out pads, however, is available only in more modern vehicles and unlikely in your dad’s Corolla from the ’90s. Nevertheless, if you see a sudden dip in your brake fluid (hence triggering the brake light indicator), you might want to do a quick check on your brake pads as this can still be a sign that you need to replace them. This is because spent pads use more brake fluid than required, causing you to drain your reservoir faster than usual.
Turn Your Old Car Into a Gift of Hope for These Kids
If a defective brake system is just one of the problems plaguing your car, then you’d be better off without it. Don’t waste your hard-earned money trying to fix an old clunker. End your car misery by simply donating it to us at Kids Car Donations. We’ll use it to improve and even save the lives of needy children in your community who are facing serious health challenges.
Our team will sell your donated vehicle through an auction and use the proceeds to support the essential child health care programs of our charity partners. Thanks to your donation, these IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations will be able to help more children stricken with severe illness or disability, providing them with free comprehensive and quality medical assistance, including all types of pediatric treatment, emotional support, and relief of pain and trauma.
As a donor, you are automatically entitled to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. We’ll send you by mail the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle a few weeks after its auction.
We’ll also haul off your unwanted car any day, anytime, and in any place you prefer. and all this is for free!
Even more valuable than those material perks, you’ll get to experience the joy and satisfaction of making a charitable act that can help restore the health of ailing children.
We accept almost all types of vehicles, regardless of their age or condition. From sedans and campers to motorcycles and boats, feel free to give us whatever unwanted vehicle you have!
You can make your donation wherever you are in the country since Kids Car Donations operates in all 50 states.
If you’re interested to find out more about our vehicle donation program, check out our FAQs page. If you have any concerns or questions, call us anytime at 866-634-8395 or write to us here.
Be a Hero to Your Community’s Ailing Children Today!

With a simple car donation, you can become a hero to the bedridden boys and girls in your community. You can help them overcome their biggest health challenges. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form now!