What To Pack For Your Child’s Hospital Stay
Learn to Pack Like a Pro
Nobody wants to spend a night at the hospital – especially kids. However, when your child’s condition requires them to do so for an indefinite period of time, you must learn to pack like you’re making the hospital your little one’s second home.
Keep in mind that your goal is to make your child feel comfortable and safe during their stay. As overwhelming as it may seem, packing the right stuff for your child will make the whole experience much easier for them.
Top 3 Essential Items to Pack for Your Child’s Upcoming Hospital Stay
What you need to pack would highly depend on your child’s age and how long their hospital stay will be. Whether It’s an overnight hospital visit or an extended stay, it’s best if you allow your child to help you pack their bags as if they’re about to head down to summer camp. Doing so will give them a sense of control before their day of admission.
If you’re one of those frequent flyers who need to be constantly ready for an unexpected admission, it’s best if you have at least one suitcase that’s packed and ready in the car. Kids Car Donations has compiled this list of essential items that your child will need during their hospital stay:
1. Electronic gadgets
Hospital stays can get pretty lonely. It might help your child feel less lonesome if they could reach out to their friends through their smartphone, tablet or laptop. Be sure to pack your child’s personal electronics to keep them entertained and busy.
2. Your child’s comfort items
Have you been planning to wean your little one off certain comfort items such as their special blankie, stuffed animal friend or pacifier? Don’t do it during your child’s hospital stay. In case you’re not aware, experts recommend that parents should let their children have their comfort items even if they seem to regress developmentally with them.
3. Comfortable clothes
Be sure to pack comfortable baggy clothes for your child so that they won’t have a hard time putting them on over their IV’s. After all, anything is better than open-back hospital gowns.
You Can Help Sick Kids with a Car Donation
If you’ve been looking to find ways to support child-focused charities, all you have to do is to donate any type of vehicle that you no longer want or need to Kids Car Donations. We will sell your donated vehicle to raise funds for our IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit partners that are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of sick children and teenagers in your local area. These charities provide their young beneficiaries with comprehensive and quality medical assistance, including free and easy access to vital health services, emotional support, and other essential health care services.
In return for your charitable contribution, we’ll have your vehicle towed away for free wherever you’re located in the country. Your donation will also entitle you to claim a top tax deduction in the next tax season.
Our donation process is simple and straightforward, and you can count on us to handle all the required paperwork on your behalf.
For more information about the ins and outs of our vehicle donations program and donor perks, feel free to visit our FAQs page. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message online.
Make an Ailing Child Feel Extra Special Today!

Don’t miss this chance to help a sick child. Donate your clapped-out car today by calling us at 866-634-8395 or filling out our online donation form now!