
National Car Donation Month: Finding The Right Charity

National Car Donation Month: Finding the Right Charity

Everyone loves December! This is that time of the year when we see colorful light displays almost everywhere. This is the time when we give presents to our family members and close friends to show how much we value their presence in our lives. This is the time when we decorate our homes with beautiful holiday adornments. Most important of all, this is the time when we deepen our bonds with our loved ones.

Amid the celebration, let’s not forget the true essence of the holiday season: helping the needy folks around us. There are many ways to support them, and one popular option is doing charity work. If you have an extra car that you no longer need or use, you might want to participate in National Car Donation Month.

In December of each year, Americans are encouraged to surrender their old and unneeded cars to charities that support worthy causes they believe in. Their second-hand cars are sold at auction, with the proceeds used to fund critical projects and services aimed at improving the lives of their beneficiaries. In turn, donors are rewarded with substantial tax deductions, provided that their chosen charity is an IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Whether you’re donating a vehicle to a nonprofit that caters to underserved veterans or a local charity that works to make lives easier for homeless families in your area, one thing’s for sure: Your donated vehicle can be the Christmas miracle they’ve long been praying for.

Tips on Finding the Right Charity

With the huge number of nonprofit charities in the United States, it’s not uncommon for would-be donors to be indecisive at first. Everyone wants to partner with an organization that not only supports a cause that’s dear to them but also one that can be fully trusted when it comes to issuing tax benefits.

If you’re eager to take part in this year’s National Car Donation Month but are still on the fence about which nonprofit to choose, these four pointers will help you pick the best charity:

1. Know what advocacy you want to support.

To make a truly meaningful charitable contribution, look for an organization that focuses on a cause that you’ve always stood up for. Once you’ve figured out what that is, do your research or ask around. Make a list of these organizations, and learn more about their mission statements and programs through their websites. If you have time, you can even visit their establishments to narrow down your options.

2. Make sure that your chosen charity is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

After you’ve come up with a decision on what charity to support, check if that charity has been approved by the IRS. Keep in mind that only those nonprofits with a 501(c)3 status are eligible to offer tax deductions. Find out if your charity has that status here.

3. Consult with the nonprofit.

It’s always best to have a talk first with persons in charge of your chosen charity before pushing through with your decision to donate. Arrange a quick meeting with one of them or give them a call. Ask about their requirements, donation process, and restrictions. Trust us – they’ll gladly respond to any concerns that you might have.

4. Be wary of scams.

Just because a certain website looks convincing doesn’t mean that it’s a legitimate organization. These days, many fraudsters operate as fake donation sites, so you have to be cautious in making a donation. Here are helpful charity watchdogs to keep you safe from scammers: Charity Watch, GuideStar Charity Check, and Charity Navigator.


Kids Car Donations is Here for You

Is your heart telling you to extend your helping hand to the sick and disadvantaged children in your community? Do you want to give them the best Christmas present ever? Looks like you’ve just found the perfect car donation charity!

We at Kids Car Donations would love nothing more than to have you as part of our team. We’ll gladly take any vehicle you wish to donate and turn it into a life-saving tool for children living with serious illnesses and disabilities. The proceeds from the sale of your donation will help fund the programs and services of our IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit partners. These nonprofits provide their young beneficiaries with comprehensive medical assistance including innovative solutions to pediatric health challenges, emotional support, relief of pain and trauma, and other services aimed at promoting children’s care, advocacy, research, and education.

Our donation process is quick and easy. All you have to do is call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out the donation form here on our website.

We accept nearly all types of vehicles, including those that are no longer in good condition. If you’re uncertain about the eligibility of the vehicle you intend to donate to us, call us anytime or send us a message online. Feel free to visit our FAQs page to know more about our vehicle donation program

GOLDEN MEMORIES | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Johnny Cohen under Unsplash License

Start Saving Lives Today!

There’s no better time than the celebration of National Car Donation Month this December to make a difference in your community. Turn your unwanted car into a powerful instrument that can help save the lives of critically ill children and teens in the place where you live. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form to get started with your car donation now!


Last Updated: September 28th, 2023