Virginia Beach, Virginia Car Donations
Join Virginia Beach, Virginia Car Donations to Save Children’s Lives

Driving a car that suddenly breaks down in the middle of the street while you’re rushing to a very important meeting is the stuff that nightmares are made of. If you’re sick and tired of having that vehicle repaired time and again, now is the best time to turn it over to us at Kids Car Donations through our Virginia Beach, Virginia car donation program.
Children Are Our Top Priority
The truth is, you don’t have to put up with a car that’s spent more time in the shop than in your garage. When you donate it to us, you’ll free yourself from the responsibilities of caring for a vehicle that’s given you more trouble than convenience. More importantly, you’ll also help us save the lives of children and teens who are struggling with life-threatening diseases in your city.
At Kids Car Donations, children are our top priority. Together with like-minded IRS-determined 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that we have partnered with, we try our very best to give every sick child a chance to enjoy their childhood. We auction off all vehicles donated to us to generate much-needed funding for the programs and services that our charity partners continuously deliver for the benefit of children who are confronted with serious health issues.
Together, we can transform your old beater into a life-saving tool that will enable these kids to gain access to quality healthcare and give them the motivation and the encouragement they need to fight for their lives.
How You Can Join Virginia Beach, Virginia Car Donations
If there’s one thing you need to know about Kids Car Donations, it’s the fact that we love to keep things simple and straightforward. When you participate in our Virginia Beach, Virginia car donations program, you can expect to experience a quick and painless donation process. Count on us to deliver the best customer service as you go through these steps:
STEP 1: Get in touch with us.
All you have to do is to give us a call at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form to tell us about your vehicle and yourself. Aside from your contact information, we will ask for your vehicle’s year, make, model, mileage, working condition, and availability of its title. Don’t worry; this won’t take longer than 5 minutes.
STEP 2: Tell us when, what time, and where you want us to pick up your vehicle.
Once we’ve verified your given information, one of our staff will contact you and asked you to choose the date, time and location for your vehicle’s 100% FREE pickup. A truck from a licensed towing company will then haul off your vehicle. Before the tow truck leaves, the truck driver will hand you a towing receipt. This releases from all liability on your vehicle from that point onward. The receipt will also enable you to cancel your DMV registration and your insurance coverage.
STEP 3: Receive your tax-deductible receipt by mail.
As soon as we get hold of your vehicle, we’ll have it thoroughly assessed before auctioning it off. Within 30 days after your vehicle is sold, we’ll have your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt delivered to your doorstep. You can use this receipt when you claim your tax deduction in the next tax season.
Why Joining Virginia Beach, Virginia Car Donations Makes Sense
Thanks to your charitable contribution, the young hospital patients in your city will have a real fighting chance of overcoming the chronic diseases that have befallen them.
What makes donating to Kids Car Donations even better is that you’ll get to reap meaningful returns as well. Check out this list of reasons why joining our Virginia Beach, Virginia car donations program makes a lot of sense:
- Pick-up and towing are 100% FREE.
No need to pay for towing because we got this covered. Moreover, you don’t have to be present when we pick up your vehicle. Just tell us where in your vehicle we can find your vehicle keys and title. As you know, we can’t sell your vehicle at auction without these items in our hands.
- Save money.
With no more gas-guzzler and repair-prone vehicle to bleed your pocket dry, you’ll save loads of cash.
- Enjoy the extra space in your garage.
Once we get your unwanted vehicle off your property, you’ll be surprised at how much storage space you can use for stuff that you actually need.
- Receive a maximum tax deduction.
Vehicle donations made to Kids Car Donations are 100% tax-deductible. If your vehicle sells for $500 or less, you can take a tax deduction that’s equal to its selling price or its fair market value up to $500, whichever is higher. If it sells for more than $500, you can claim a tax deduction that’s equivalent to its selling price. We always exert our best effort to give our donors the highest possible tax deductions by having their vehicles sold at their highest possible price marks.
Feel free to visit our FAQs page to know more details about our Virginia Beach, Virginia car donations program. If you have questions, you may call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message online.

There’s No Time to Waste!
Your donation matters to the children in your city who want nothing more than to live longer and better lives. If you’re ready to make a lasting impact in your community by contributing to efforts to save the lives of critically ill students, join our Virginia Beach, Virginia car donations program. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form to get started!
Last Updated: March 7th, 2023
Donate Your Vehicle Below!