How to Check Tire Tread
2 Ways to Determine Whether Your Tires Need to be Replaced
Are you regularly checking your tires’ treads as part of your regular car maintenance? If not, you better do it because this will ensure that your tires have sufficient grip and traction on the road, giving you a safe ride, whether you’re traveling long or short distances.
You can also brake quickly and accelerate smoothly if the treads of your tires are in good condition.
One indicator that your tires need replacing is the depth of the treads. Normally, the closer the tread is to the base, the more urgent the need to replace the tire.
You don’t need to visit a service center to check on the treads of your tires. Kids Car Donations is here to tell you a couple of tests you can do yourself to check on whether your tire treads are still good or no longer.
- Coin tests
You can use either a penny or a quarter to test your tire’s tread. Place the penny in the tread of your tire with Abe Lincoln’s head pointing down into the tread. If you can’t see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tread is still above the 2/32nd of an inch threshold and you’re good to go. If you can see his entire head, it may be time to replace the tire because your tread is no longer deep enough.
You can also use a quarter for this coin test. Place the quarter in the tread with George Washington’s head facing down. If the tread surpasses the top of his head, you are above 4/32”, which means the tire is in good condition. Once the tread reaches the top of Washington’s head, that means you are at 4/32”. That’s still safe, but not for long. If the tread no longer touches Washington’s head, it could mean that your tread is at 3/32”, which means that the tire needs to be replaced soon. If it is at the 2/32” level, that tire is no longer safe to drive and needs to be replaced immediately.
- Tire tread bar indicators
You can also check your tire tread by simply examining the tire tread bar indicators that are molded into the tire. These are small tread marks that are cut off at the lowest safety point in your tire tread. These bars are often raised to 2/32”, the hazard point in most tires. When your tread aligns with the wear bars in the tire, it means you need to replace that tire.
A Reason to Let Go of Your Beat-Up Car
Regularly checking your tires’ condition can help ensure your safety on the road. Unfortunately, once your car starts deteriorating due to wear and tear after long years of usage, even the best new tires in the world can’t guarantee your safety anymore.
If your auto now suffers from serious issues that are too costly to fix, it’s best to let it go rather than risk using it on the road. Hand it over to us at Kids Car Donations and we’ll give it a new and worthy purpose — that of improving the well-being and saving the lives of children and teens in your area who are facing serious health conditions.
We’ll auction off your donated auto and use the proceeds to support the critical pediatric programs and services of our charity partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations cater to youth from low-income families who are stricken with life-threatening diseases and life-limiting disabilities. They provide their beneficiaries with free treatments and therapies, emotional well-being support, and many other healthcare services.
We will remove your unwanted vehicle quickly and at no cost to you wherever you parked or stored it anywhere in the country. Moreover, we will provide you with the chance to substantially reduce your tax bill by way of the top tax deduction that you will be entitled to claim in the next tax season.
However, the best part about making a charitable contribution to us is the priceless joy of knowing that you’ll be making a difference in the lives of suffering children in your community.
We accept not just cars but nearly all other types of vehicles whether in good working condition or not.
If you need to know more about our program, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. You can also call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or leave us a message here. We’ll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.

Help Restore the Health of Ailing Kids Today!
If you want to make a difference in the lives of those who are too young to help themselves, donate your unwanted vehicle to Kids Car Donations today. We will use your donation to help in the healing of your community’s ailing youngsters. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!