Practical Tips to Avoid Car Theft
10 Ways of Frustrating Car Thieves
In 2019, the FBI reported 721,885 cases of motor vehicle thefts nationwide. Although the numbers have decreased over the last few decades, burglars continue to roam the streets, plotting their next move to score a car.
More worrisome, these burglars have become savvier, using tactics that make it easier for them to steal cars and harder for the police to track them down. They’re now using smart keys and switching vehicle identification numbers to avoid detection.
Others use the deflated tire method. They inform you that your tires are deflated. When you get out of your vehicle to check your tires, they get in and drive off.
Being vigilant is the best way to ensure that you protect your beloved car from theft. Kids Car Donations shares these 10 theft preventive measures:
- Lock your doors and roll up the windows at all times.
A lot of vehicles that were stolen resulted from unlocked doors. You’ll attract a resourceful thief if they see your car unlocked or windows not rolled up all the way. That said, always check your doors and windows before leaving your car.
- Never leave your keys in the ignition.
If you do, there’s a huge possibility that any thief who passes by your car will break a window and drive off. Also, never leave your car running if it’s unattended, even if you’re just making a quick trip to the grocery store. Thieves will see it as an open invitation to hop in it and drive off.
- Don’t leave the spare key near your car.
If you have a spare key, always bring it whenever you leave your car. Don’t hide it inside your vehicle — not under it, not in the glove box, not anywhere but with you.
While it’s always a good idea to have an extra car key around, you don’t want to place it somewhere accessible to thieves. They know very well where to look for it.
- Park your car in well-lit places.
It’s easier for thieves to steal your car if it’s parked in a poorly lit area or somewhere with no passersby. That’s why most vehicle thefts take place at night. Make it a habit to park in a crowded area where there’s good visibility to guarantee protection against burglars.
- Install an anti-theft device.
Investing in anti-theft devices like a steering wheel or brake lock is another surefire way to deter car thieves when they get close to your car.
- Install an audible alarm system.
If your car didn’t come with an alarm system when you bought it, you might want to shop for one. The alarm is designed to produce a loud noise if someone attempts to break into your car, which will cause them to run in panic. That will teach them a lesson!
- Install a tracking system.
While a tracking system technically doesn’t prevent car theft, it’s there to give you peace of mind. In case your car gets stolen, it will use wireless and GPS technology to emit a signal to help the authorities pinpoint the location of your car and recover it.
- Use your emergency brake when you park.
An engaged emergency brake makes it more difficult for thieves to tow your car away. As it will take them a lot of time and effort to do so, they’ll likely find another vehicle to target.
- Etch your VIN on the window.
Have your VIN etched on one of your car windows by a professional so that your vehicle can be traced more easily in the event it’s stolen. With this, your car will look less appealing to burglars.
- Don’t leave valuables inside your vehicle.
Any car that has valuables within plain sight is always a top target for car thieves. Whether it’s your phone, wallet, laptop, or even a couple of dollars, be sure to keep all your valuables out of sight or store them in your trunk. Storing valuable items inside your car can make it a target for thieves.
Don’t Let Your Unused Car Get Stolen — Give It a Worthy Purpose Instead
Do you have a spare car that you haven’t driven in ages? Even though it’s old, thieves won’t mind getting their hands on it, and you certainly don’t want that to happen.
You might as well use that unused vehicle to serve a worthy purpose. When you hand it over to us at Kids Car Donations, we’ll use it to help save the lives of young people who desperately need medical assistance.
Our team will place your donated vehicle up for auction, with the proceeds going straight to leading children’s nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding we give them to provide their young beneficiaries with a wide range of pediatric treatment, emotional support, relief of pain and trauma, and other vital health care services.
Donating your old vehicle to us will benefit not only the needy pediatric patients in your area but yourself as well. Your charitable contribution will entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.
Also, we’ll provide you with our free towing service anywhere in the country.
Above all, you’ll have the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction of doing something extraordinary that can help save young lives.
You can donate almost any vehicle type, regardless of its condition. You can donate even a vehicle that’s damaged or no longer running.
For more information about our vehicle donation program, including our simple and convenient donation process, feel free to check out our FAQs page. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or message us here.
Help Give Ailing Kids a Chance to Enjoy Childhood Today!

Give a gift that can enable the ailing kids in your community to bounce back to good health so they can enjoy their childhood. Your car donation will surely make that happen. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!