
6 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Be Physically Active

Follow These Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy

As with adults, children should lead a physically active lifestyle to keep their health in check. By encouraging your kids to engage in physical activities regularly, you’re setting them on the right path to good health and wellness. Here are several reasons why this is so:

  • Physical activity helps build and maintain healthy bones and muscles.
  • Physical activity reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease later in life.
  • Physical activity improves sleep quality.
  • Physical activity boosts enthusiasm and self-esteem.
  • Physical activity fights stress and anxiety.

These benefits should be enough to convince your youngsters to move more and sit less.


How to Raise an Active Child

How exactly can you do that as a parent? Since more and more of our youth spend most of their time having their eyes glued to their phones or tablets, many parents find it hard to motivate their kids to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines.

Worry not, however, as Kids Car Donations is here to offer you surefire tips on how to raise an active child. Let’s go through each of them:

  1. Choose an activity your child loves.

Perhaps the most obvious way to get your child into the habit of being physically active is by finding a particular activity or sport they genuinely enjoy. The more they enjoy it, the more likely they’ll stick to doing it. Also, see to it that the activity is appropriate for their age so they won’t get frustrated if they aren’t old enough to grasp it or won’t become bored if they’re too advanced for the activity.

  1. Involve the whole family.

Schedule a physical family activity at least once a week. Whether it’s a hike, a quick cycling trip around the neighborhood, or a game of frisbee at the park, being active together as a family will show your child that they’re not the only ones who should get moving. Plus, it’s a great way to create valuable family time and deepen your family bond.

  1. Limit screen time.

Setting up firm limits on your child’s screen time allows you to encourage them to go outside and do something physical instead. Limiting screen time also plays a role in improving the cognitive performance of your child and enabling them to develop healthy habits like getting more sleep.

  1. Provide things that promote physical activity.

Giving your child a jump rope, a pair of rollerblades, or a bicycle will more than likely get them to start living an active lifestyle. If you’re on a tight budget, you can always check thrift and consignment shops or yard sales.

  1. Use exercise as your means of transport.

Rather than driving your child to school, consider walking or cycling with them. You might also want to roller skate your way to the beach or park together with your child. Also, make it a habit to park your car at the far end of parking lots so you have more time to walk with your child to your destination.

  1. Be a role model.

Last but not the least, model an active lifestyle. To get your child up and active, you’ll need to do the same. Walk the talk so they will follow suit. If they see that you have a sedentary lifestyle, there’s a massive chance that they will also prefer to sit around and do nothing.


Turn Your Beat-Up Car into a Vital Source of Hope for Ailing Kids

Some kids can’t be physically active no matter how much they would like to. They include those who are suffering from serious illnesses and disabilities. Worse, some of them are unable to access proper health care simply because their parents or guardians can’t afford its cost.

You can help them get the treatments and therapies they need to get well. How? By simply donating any vehicle you no longer use to Kids Car Donations.

We’ll sell your vehicle through an auction and turn over the proceeds to reputable children’s nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations use the funding we give them to provide their young beneficiaries with free healthcare services, including a wide range of pediatric treatments, emotional support, and relief of pain and trauma.

Your donation will also benefit you in more ways than one. We will not only remove your unwanted vehicle quickly, with no hassle, and absolutely at no cost to you, but we will also provide you with the chance to substantially reduce your tax bill by way of the maximum tax deduction that you will be entitled to claim in the next tax season.

The best reward you’ll get, however, is the experience of relishing the joy and satisfaction of giving something that will help in bringing back the smiles on the faces of ill children in your community.

We accept not just cars but nearly all other types of vehicles whether in good working condition or not. We can pick up your donation wherever you are in the country since our vehicle donation program covers the entire United States.

To know more about our program, head over to our FAQs page. You can also call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395. You may also opt to message us here. We’ll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.

Girl Wearing Pink Sweater | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Johannes Plenio under Pexels License

Reach Out to Your Community’s Hurting Boys and Girls Today!

There’s no better way to dispose of an unneeded vehicle than by donating it for the benefit of the indigent pediatric patients in your area. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: September 27th, 2023