4 Most Common Summer Illnesses In Children
4 Most Common Summer Illnesses in Children
Summer is finally here and your kids are bound to spend plenty of time indulging themselves in various fun-filled activities in the great outdoors. While this sudden freedom from homework and school is definitely exciting, along with the joys of summer comes the possibility that your kids might contract one of the illnesses prevalent during this time of the year.
In other words, you’ll need to be aware of the summer season’s risk factors and regularly monitor the health of your little ones. Doing so will ensure that your kids will get to enjoy their vacation to the fullest.
What are the 4 Most Common Summer Illnesses in Children?
Since bacteria can thrive in moist and warm environments during the summer season, it’s important for every parent to be aware of illnesses and infections that their kids might catch. Knowing how to spot the symptoms of such illnesses and when to take the kids to the doctor can make a huge difference.
To make sure that you’re ready in case your kids pick up one of the fairly common illnesses during this time of the year, Kids Car Donations gives you a lowdown on the four most common summer illnesses in children and what you can do to prevent them.
1. Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa)
When water remains trapped in the ear and bacterial growth follows, swimmer’s ear or the infection of the outer ear canal may develop. When this happens, temporary hearing loss may be experienced aside from the affected ear feeling full, itchy and extremely painful.
You can avoid this by letting your kids wear earplugs while they’re in the pool or sea to prevent water from getting stuck in their ear canal. Remember to dry their ears thoroughly after swimming. Swimmer’s ear can be easily treated with antiseptic ear drops.
2. Food Poisoning
Norovirus is a contagious stomach bug that’s easily transmitted via consumption of contaminated food and water as well as contact with a contaminated surface or with an infected person. Food poisoning reaches its peak during the summer because heat aids the growth of bacterial growth. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever in some cases.
You can avoid food poisoning and norovirus by ensuring the thorough cooking of meats, proper food handling and storage, and good hygiene. If your kid gets sick from food poisoning, make sure that you keep them hydrated while you let the bacteria run its course.
3. Sunstroke
When kids spend way too much time under the sun, their body temperatures may rise, leading to possible sunstroke. Symptoms may include rapid pulse, nausea, disorientation, a dry and swollen tongue, and red, hot skin. In extreme cases, the child could lose consciousness.
To avoid a trip to the emergency room, keep your kids in the shade when they play during the heat of the day and give them plenty of fluids.
4. Heat Rash
When the sweat ducts are blocked, they begin to swell. The next thing you know, red or pink rashes that feel itchy begin to appear on the child’s head, neck, and shoulders.
Since this condition is caused by wearing heavy clothing in the heat, you can easily prevent this from occurring if you dress your children in light clothing. Heat rash doesn’t need medical attention, and it usually goes away in two days.
You Can Help Ailing Kids in Your Community Today!
If you have an extra vehicle that’s sitting in your garage for the longest time, consider donating it to Kids Car Donations. We will auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds from the sale to help fund the programs of our nonprofit partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofits are devoted to providing direct assistance to children who are struggling with serious illnesses in hospitals in your local area.
Aside from helping restore the health of ailing children in your community, your donation will also provide you with significant perks. These include a top tax deduction, which you can claim in the next tax season. You’ll also get to enjoy our quick, hassle-free, and no-paperwork donation process and our free pickup and towing services.
To know more about our vehicle donation program, check out our FAQs page. For inquiries, you may call us at 866-208-5483 or send us a message online.
You can make your donation by filling out our secure online donation form or calling us directly. We accept almost all types of vehicles regardless of their age, mileage, or condition. We also accept vehicle donations anywhere in the United States since we have vehicle donation programs in all 50 states.
Help Us Help More Ailing Kids in Your Community!

Ready to make a difference in your community? Ring us up at 866-208-5483 and help us help more ailing children with your car donation!