How To Cope When Your Child Is Diagnosed With Chronic Illness
How to Cope When Your Child Is Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness
Learning that your child is suffering from a chronic illness or disability can be truly devastating. Troubling questions begin to swirl in your mind: What went wrong? What could have I done to prevent it? Will treatment really work for my child?
While it’s completely normal for parents to ask such questions, it’s crucial that they also pay attention to their well-being. For you to be able to take care of your sick child, you’ll need to look after yourself first. Coping with the distressing situation in a positive manner is one effective way to help your child.
There will be days when you’ll experience mixed emotions – fear, anger, grief, depression – and that’s just natural. One day, you might feel hopeless, as if the universe is conspiring against you. However, in the succeeding days, you’d be surprised to find yourself feeling much better. What matters is that you’ll get through the ordeal no matter how long it takes.
Keep in mind that everybody copes with trying situations in different ways. There’s no right or wrong way to manage a stressful situation, especially when it comes to caring for a child with a chronic health condition.
The first few days will be difficult, with you still trying to figure out which strategies are going to work. Once you find out how you’ll be able to work through your emotions, tending to the needs of your child won’t be as burdensome as you might have expected it to be.
Here are five ways on how to cope when your child is diagnosed with a chronic illness:
1. Spend quality time with yourself.
With the countless hours you’ll be spending in the hospital and worrying about your child’s condition, taking time for yourself may seem impossible to do. However, it’s crucial that you do so for the sake of your health. Watching over your little one can be mentally exhausting, which is why giving yourself a time-out is always a good idea.
Set a time when you can be free to do things for yourself. During that period, engage in activities that can help relieve your stress. Read a novel, go for a nature walk, pray, watch a funny movie, or simply relax in your backyard – anything that can reinvigorate you mentally, physically, and emotionally.
2. Divide the responsibilities with your spouse.
Caring for an ailing child has to involve both parents taking on specific responsibilities. Try to share the workload with your partner. Come up with a plan on who’s doing what. Try to help each other.
It’s also imperative to schedule breaks in between duties. If you see your spouse already looking exhausted, offer to take over as they rest for a while. In case you’re a single parent, ask another relative or a trusted friend to help you out if they have time.
3. Take care of your health.
Try attending to the needs of your sick child when you’re feeling tired. See what happens. For sure, you’d have a hard time checking up on your child or even taking down notes while you listen to the doctor. That’s not something you want to happen. Get enough sleep, eat the right food, and exercise those worries away.
4. Seek social support.
Everyone needs an emotional support group in times of grief and despair. Hopefully, your family and friends will be there to serve as your confidants, listening to you tirelessly as you vent your emotions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them every time you’re feeling down or hopeless.
Another good idea is to check your area for support groups. You may want to consider attending a church group or community group that offers regular meetings for people facing tough issues in life. By doing so, you can meet and connect with other people who are also dealing with situations similar to yours. This will make it easier for you to open up, share your problems, and learn new and effective ways of coping with a family crisis. Online support groups are also as helpful.
5. Talk to a therapist.
If you feel that your social support is not enough to help you dispel your troubling thoughts and emotions, try seeking professional assistance. Speak to a counselor, psychologist, or a social worker who specializes in dealing with parents of terminally ill kids. They’ll be able to offer helpful advice in terms of managing your emotions while allowing you to express your frustrations at the same time.
Turn Your Old Beater into a Source of Hope for Suffering Kids
If you own a car that you no longer use, donating it to us at Kids Car Donations sounds like a decision you’ll never regret. You will not only get to dispose of your unwanted vehicle for free and with no hassle whatsoever, but you’ll also feel great knowing that you will be helping restore the health and even save the lives of the seriously ailing children in your area.
What’s more, your charitable donation will entitle you to receive a top tax deduction in the next tax season.
Our donation process is fast and convenient. You contact us, providing us a few details about your vehicle and yourself. We then pick up your vehicle a day or two later. After we auction off your vehicle, you’ll then receive from us your 100% tax-deductible receipt, which is your ticket for claiming your tax write-off. It’s that simple!
Not sure if we’ll accept your vehicle? Check out the types of vehicles we accept for donation. You can also visit our FAQs page for more information. If you have questions, feel free to call us anytime at 866-634-8395 or send us a message online.
If you’re ready to let go of your clunker, fill out our online donation form or call us anytime. We accept almost all types of vehicles regardless of their age or condition. We can also accept your donation wherever you are in the United States since we have vehicle donation programs in all 50 states.
Show Some Love to Kids in Sickbeds

Show some love to youngsters in your community who are in sickbeds. Call us at 866-634-8395 and make a difference in their lives with your car donation!