
5 Possible Reasons Why Your Car Is Leaking Oil

Keep Your Engine Running Smoothly by Avoiding These Pitfalls

One of the worst things that can happen to your car is losing oil. When your car runs out of engine oil, it opens up the floodgates of other problems that can cost you a pretty penny for repairs.

When your car runs out of oil, engine parts will start to grind against each other, causing your car to seize up and stall. Worse, it can cause engine damage.

Oil leaks are a fairly common problem in older cars. There are also telltale signs that your car is leaking. You may spot oil stains underneath your car, or you may notice that you need to refill your oil more often than usual.

These signs should not be ignored. Instead, you need to get the leaks fixed as soon as possible so they won’t cause further damage.


Causes of Oil Leaks

There are at least five causes of oil leaks. It’s important to understand them so you can take proactive steps to prevent them.

1. Loose oil filler cap

The cause of your oil leak could be something as simple as not covering up the oil filler cap correctly after you refill or change your oil. If the cap is loose, broken, or missing, oil is likely to stall when your car is moving.

2. Broken gasket

When there is a problem with the gasket, which consists of two metal components in the engine, oil leaks can occur. Oil creates sludge, which can be harmful to the gasket when left unchecked.

3. Damage to the oil pan

You may not notice it, but the oil pan can get damaged when you run over debris like large rocks on the road. When the oil pan suffers damage, it can cause the seal to loosen and the oil to leak.

4. Worn-out oil drain plug

Another area that can be damaged by running over debris on the road is the oil drain plug, which is located at the base of the oil pan. When it gets worn out or it gets loose, leaks can occur. A sign that your drain plug is damaged is fresh oil found around the plug.

5. Worn-out oil filter

Over time, your car’s oil filter wears out and causes leaks. Make sure that you check the condition of this filter when you conduct your regular oil change maintenance.

Your Old Car Can Serve a New Purpose

If an oil leak is the least of your old clunker’s problems, you may want to rethink holding on to it. Rather than continue to stress out over countless car issues, you can use your problematic vehicle to help solve the problems of impoverished kids who are suffering from devastating illnesses and disabilities.

You can do this by simply donating that beater to us here at Kids Car Donations. We will use it to improve and even save the lives of seriously ill children and teens in America.

We’ll sell your vehicle through an auction and use the proceeds to support the programs and services of our nonprofit partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding they get from us to deliver solutions and treatments to a wide range of medical conditions that affect our country’s young people.

You’ll also benefit from your vehicle donation since we’ll pick up and tow away your unwanted vehicle quickly with no hassle on your part and absolutely for free!

Moreover, your donation will also entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

All the material perks that will come your way are nothing compared to the greatest reward you’ll get — the priceless feeling of joy and satisfaction for doing something that can help save the life of a child.

We accept nearly all vehicle types, including those that are no longer in good running condition. We can also collect your donation wherever you are in the country.

If you want to know more about our program, our FAQs page will be helpful. You can also call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message here and we’ll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.


You Can Save a Life with Your Clunker Today!

Girl Playing Bubbles | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Leo Rivas under Unsplash License

Now that you know that your old clunker can help save the life of an ailing child, don’t hesitate to reach out and help the suffering kids in your community with your vehicle donation. Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our online donation form to start saving young lives now!


Last Updated: August 4th, 2023