
Sun Safety: Information for Parents About Sunscreen

Protect Your Children from the Sun’s Harmful Rays!

Did you know that excessive and repeated sun exposure that results in sunburn may increase your child’s chances of developing skin cancer? With summer just around the corner, you’ll want to think about keeping your kids safe from the sun’s harmful rays.

Fortunately, you can protect your kids from getting their skin burned by applying sunscreen.


What Kind of Sunscreen Is Best?

With so many different sunscreens on the market, you’re probably wondering which one to choose. Kids Car Donations helps you become a sunscreen pro by giving you all the information you need to ensure your family’s health while having fun in the sun.

When you’re shopping for sunscreen, make sure to look for three things:

  1. Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

The SPF is a relative measurement of the amount of time it takes for the sunscreen to protect your skin when your kids are out and about. When shopping for sunscreen, choose one with a sun protection factor of at least 30 or higher.

  1. UVA and UVB Protection

Two types of UV rays can harm the skin — UVA and UVB. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects the skin from both.

  1. Water Resistance

The sunscreen you choose should also be water-resistant. Many manufacturers now offer sunscreen that is water-resistant for 40-80 minutes.

  1. Additional Ingredients

Check the sunscreen label. Your sunscreen should contain titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or avobenzone. Sunscreens containing these substances tend to be thicker, providing more protection for the skin.


Types of Sunscreens

Sunscreens come in two different types: Mineral and chemical sunscreens. The difference between the two is how they protect the skin from UV rays. Here’s how they work:

  • Mineral sunscreens

Mineral sunscreens usually contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide on their label. This type of sunscreen usually sits on top of the skin and may leave the skin a bit whitish after application. Mineral sunscreens act as a barrier that keeps UV rays from penetrating the skin.

  • Chemical sunscreens

Like mineral sunscreens, chemical sunscreens also sit on top of the skin when applied. However, instead of acting as a barrier, it absorbs the UV rays and then converts them into heat, which is released from the skin. It doesn’t leave a white cast on the skin, and you may need to wait at least 15 minutes for the sunscreen to start working.


How to Properly Apply a Sunscreen

For sunscreens to work, you need to apply them correctly. Here’s the proper way of applying sunscreen:

  1. Apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of the skin. You should also apply a layer of sunscreen on your kid’s torso in case the fabric shifts as the child plays in the water. You should apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before sun exposure.
  2. Use a generous amount of sunscreen. As a good rule of thumb, apply a total of 9 teaspoons for the whole body: 1 teaspoon for the face and neck, 1 teaspoon for the torso, 1 teaspoon for the back of the torso, 1 teaspoon for each arm, and 2 teaspoons for each leg. Make sure to reapply sunscreen once every 2 hours.
  3. Use water-resistant sunscreen whenever you’re going to the pool or beach. Since the water can intensify the UVA and UVB rays, your kids will need additional protection.


A Simple Way to Reach Out to Your Community’s Ailing Kids

If you’re looking to extend assistance to indigent families in your community who have children battling life-threatening medical conditions, you can easily do so by simply donating any vehicle you no longer need to Kids Car Donations. We’ll turn your gift into a powerful tool for enabling those kids to receive the health care they desperately need.

We’ll auction off your vehicle and use the proceeds to support the pediatric programs of our IRS-determined 501(c)(3) nonprofit partners. These charities use the funding they get from us to provide their young beneficiaries with free comprehensive and quality medical assistance, including a wide range of treatment options, emotional support, and relief of pain and trauma. Our charity partners also provide deserving pediatric patients with access to free social services and educational resources.

When you donate a vehicle to us, you’ll also be helping yourself. Besides getting a free professional towing service anywhere in the country, your charitable contribution will also entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. What’s more, we’ll handle all the paperwork for you.

More than anything else, you’ll experience the priceless satisfaction of helping save children’s lives.

We accept almost all types of vehicles whatever their ages or working conditions.

For more information about our vehicle donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, feel free to visit our FAQs page. You can give us a call anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-634-8395 or leave us a message here for any concerns or inquiries you might have.

Smiling Girl Running Towards Left on Green Field | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Pixabay under Pexels License

Start Touching Young Lives Today!

Donating your old beater to Kids Car Donations is one of the best ways to touch the lives of sick boys and girls in your community. Call us at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: June 17th, 2023