Hatchback Donations

Had Enough of Your Old Hatchback? Put it to Good Use!

Hatchback Donations | Kids Car Donations
Photo by Robert Haverly under Unsplash License

If you’ve had your hatchback for quite some time, you may already be privy to the advantages and disadvantages of owning one.

Hatchbacks are cool because even though there’s no dedicated cargo space at their rear like that of sedans, you can make room by taking down the rear seats to convert the entire back portion into additional cargo space.

The design is also cool, especially for such compact cars. They’re also fuel efficient compared to other car models.

However, along with all this great stuff about hatchbacks comes their downside. While you can adjust the seats for bigger cargo space, you make a compromise by reducing the number of passengers that can ride the car.

Hatchbacks also don’t have a cargo cover, making the contents visible to anyone who wants to spare a peep into your car’s interior.

If these are enough reasons for you to replace your hatchback with a brand-new sedan, we at Kids Car Donations offer you a meaningful way to dispose of your old car that will make you proud: Hand it over to us, and we’ll convert it into a powerful tool for bringing health and wellness back into the lives of indigent children in your community who are struggling with serious illnesses and disabilities.


Children’s Health Is Our Top Priority

We believe that each time we invest in a child’s life, we’re investing in the future of our world. For this reason, we have launched our hatchback donations program in partnership with reputable IRS-determined 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that care about ailing kids the same way we do.

Our part in this partnership is to operate vehicle donation programs for these charities. We auction off vehicles donated to us and then use the proceeds to support our charity partners in providing medical assistance to impoverished children suffering from life-threatening diseases and other afflictions. These nonprofits provide their young beneficiaries with comprehensive medical assistance including free treatments and therapies, emotional support, relief of pain and trauma during hospital confinement, and other vital healthcare services.

They also use the funding we give to promote child health care, advocacy, research, and education.

Thus, thanks to our vehicle donors, countless pediatric patients have received proper medical treatment and recovered from their afflictions.


Making a Hatchback Donation with Us Is Incredibly Easy!

We at Kids Car Donations take pride in our streamlined donation process that’s guaranteed to satisfy our donors. Even if this will be your first time donating a vehicle to charity, you won’t have a hard time going through it. With our team of professionals who’ll gladly provide you with top-quality customer service from start to finish, you can count on us to give you the best giving experience.

To give you a sneak preview of what’s going to happen when you donate your hatchback to us, check out our quick and simple three-step donation process:

  • STEP 1: Get in touch with us.

You can donate your hatchback over the phone by calling us at 866-634-8395. Tell us a few basic details about your car (year, make, model, mileage, availability of its title, and its working condition) and also how we can reach you. You can also choose to contact us by simply filling out our donation form here.

  • STEP 2. Schedule your vehicle’s fast and FREE pickup.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we verify the information you shared with us. We’ll then ask about your preferred schedule for your vehicle’s FREE pickup. Next, we’ll send a licensed tow truck to the location of your choice to collect your hatchback. We’ll hand you a towing receipt, which will release you from all liabilities on your donated vehicle from that point onward.

  • STEP 3: Receive your tax-deductible receipt by mail.

You’ll receive your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt by mail within days following the sale of your donated vehicle. Be sure to keep this document because you’ll need it in itemizing your deductions when you file your federal income tax return in the next tax season.

If your hatchback is not the only vehicle that you want to dispose of, feel free to donate to us whatever unwanted vehicles you have. We accept not just cars but nearly all other vehicle types including trucks, motorcycles, golf carts, ATVs, and even motorized wheelchairs. We take them regardless of age, mileage, or condition.

For more information about the ins and outs of our donation process, visit our FAQs page. You may also call us at 866-634-8395 or send us a message online if you still have questions begging to be answered.


Enjoy These Great Rewards!

Aside from experiencing the joy and satisfaction of helping the ailing kids in your community regain their health, your hatchback donation will also bring a ton of valuable rewards. Here are some of them:

  1. You’ll get a huge tax break!

Who would want to refuse a handsome tax write-off? Since we work with IRS-determined 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, your charitable contributions will be 100% tax-deductible. We’ll make sure you get to claim the highest possible tax deduction by exerting our best effort to sell your hatchback at its highest possible price.

  1. We’ll pick up your hatchback for free!

Donating to us means not having to pay for towing — we’ve got this covered. Also, you’ll get to choose the time, date, and location for your car’s free pickup. What’s more, you won’t even need to be there when the licensed towing company comes to collect your vehicle.

  1. You’ll go through a hassle-free donation process!

You won’t have any trouble going through our seamless donation process. Our team of experts is ready and able to promptly address all your needs and concerns. We’ll handle everything — from hauling your vehicle away to dealing with all the paperwork.

  1. You get to save a lot of money!

Think of all the money you’ll save once you quit paying for the insurance, registration, maintenance, and repair of a car that you no longer want. Once we hand you the towing receipt for your hatchback donation, you’ll be free to cancel its insurance coverage and DMV registration. Also, you’ll get to keep the money you’ve set aside for your beater’s next big repair.

Child Wrap in a White Blanket | Kids Car Donations
Photo by cottonbro studio under Pexels License

Take This Chance to Save Children’s Lives!

Do you want to give your unwanted hatchback a sublime new purpose? Donating it to us can help save children’s lives — let that sink into your mind! Call Kids Car Donations at 866-634-8395 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: May 8th, 2023

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